What is the


Much has been written, spoken and channeled about the Fifth Dimension and humanity’s ascension into this new realm of existence.  In addition, many “ordinary” people are now having their own experiences, visions and inner “downloads” about the Fifth Dimension. Not every source agrees on details about this dimensional reality, but most describe similar major characteristics, which are described below.


Ascension into the Fifth Dimension (Or returning to our Authentic Self).


According to ascension teachings, the earth and all beings living on the earth are in the process of shifting into a whole new level of reality in which a consciousness of love, compassion, peace and spiritual wisdom prevails. This has been called the Fifth Dimension.

Some say this shift will probably be complete within the next couple of decades; others give no date. But all seem to agree it will be complete sometime in the near future, although individuals will be each moving into the Fifth Dimension at their own rate when their frequency is high enough to match the vibration of the higher dimension.

Most teachings state that the shift the earth and humanity are taking into the Fifth Dimension has been “planned” for eons. Also that it has already been happening in the last few decades. December 21, 2012 was a date that was given as the mid-point of the shift taking place, and that it will continue to unfold in more and more obvious ways, picking up speed, as time goes on.